Privacy Policy


We at Cognnox are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not indulge in selling, spamming, renting, leasing, or giving away your information to any third-party.
Our policy helps you understand how any personal data you provide us or we collect from you is used and processed. The Privacy Policy is reviewed periodically and the changes posted on this page. In case the changes are significant, we keep you updated by sending an email notification.

Information we collect

Personal Information

While you are free to use the website without providing any personal information, when you visit the Website or register for the Subscription Services, we request you to provide your personal information, and we collect Navigational Information.

The personal information that we may collect includes any information that is voluntarily submitted by you to us like contact information, name, e-mail address, company name, address, phone number, and other information about yourself or your business or through subscription to a newsletter. Personal Information can also include information about you that is available on the internet, such as from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google, or publicly available information that we acquire from service providers.

Besides this, we collect the navigational information that refers to information about your computer and your visits to this website such as your IP address, geographical location, browser type, referral source, length of visit, and pages viewed.

    This information may be gathered and collected from you at different points, including but not limited to the following:
  • At the time of communicating with you as a customer or prospective customer.
  • When you prefer to visit our website or make use of our platform.
  • While registering you as an end-user of our products or services and one account is specially made for you.
  • When you subscribe to our newsletter through our website.
  • When you fill our “Contact Us” form to get in touch with our experts.
Non-personal Information

The Non-personal information we collect includes the browser name you use, the type of computer, technical information like operating system and Internet service providers, and other similar information via Google Analytics.


Cookies help us to enhance the user experience when they are browsing this website and enable the users to make full use of the features available on this website. We do not use cookies to collect or record information such as your name, address, or personal details.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies on our website for a single purpose, and that is to collect statistical information about how visitors use our website, this helps us in improving your experience and the way our website works and measures our success.

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings so that it will refuse cookies, cookies will be set when you access our website. By continuing to use and browse this website, you agree and consent to our use of cookies. If you do not provide the consent, please understand that certain features of our website may not function as intended.

    Here, you can find how we use cookies:-
  1. Session cookies: Session cookies are cached mainly for the duration of your use of our website.
  2. Permanent cookies: Permanent cookies are stored in your terminal device for the time specified in the Cookie files parameters or until you delete.

Disclosure of Information

At cognnox we are committed to not disclose the gathered personal information to any other party than in agreement with this Privacy Policy. However, under the following circumstances we may need to disclose your information:

Third-Party Links

Our website may from time to time contain links to and from other websites. If you follow a link to any of these sites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and we do not take any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check the policies before you submit any personal data to any of these websites. Our newsletter may contain external links which are only shared for informational purposes only.

Data Security

We follow the best practices in ensuring your data security and have policies and procedures in place to ensure our compliance with the relevant rules and regulations. We secure the personal and non-personal information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. Also, we ensure all personal and non-personal information is protected using appropriate physical, technical, and organizational measures.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Cognnox Limited reserves the right to amend, change, or edit this Privacy Policy at any time without any prior notice. Whenever we amend any part of this privacy policy, we update our users with the last updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage our users to keep reviewing this page frequently in order to stay updated with the recent changes. The continuing use of our website signifies that you agree and accept those changes.

Your rights

The users have the right to find out about what information we hold about them. If you wish to access and/or request us to make corrections to the personal information that you have provided us, please contact us via email to

In case of any queries or questions regarding our Privacy Policy, you can reach us using Contact us form or email to